Listed below is the current schedule of AKC Youth Events. You may also want to consult the Events listing on the main AKC coonhound web site at www.akccoonhounds.org for complete information. We will try to keep this page up to date but it pays to double check. You don’t want to miss a Youth event in your area.
The AKC Coonhound Events Department is experiencing amazing growth. With the upcoming announcements of the Regional and National Youth Championships, we will see more and more Youth events on the schedule. Now is the time to encourage your club’s officers to schedule an AKC Youth Event or to provide non-hunting Judges for Youth casts at your club.
In this section you can find all the information you need about the Youth event, where it is located, what events are offered, the deadlines, the entry fees and much more.
Better get out to an AKC Youth event right away!