Visit to Southland Academy
12/10/2006 2:08:09 PM
Americus, GA Ever heard of the book, Where the Red Fern Grows? It’s a classic. I believe most of us had to read this book sometime during elementary or middle school. Revised versions, movies, and certainly lots of class projects have been made about these two hounds—redbones that is. A while back I was asked by a family friend, Traci Roach, if I would stop by her sons’ school, Southland Academy, bring a couple of hounds and speak to her son’s, Ford, fifth grade class. Of course she also meant stop by the second grade, where her other son, Alex, would be waiting, too. I jumped at the chance to talk to the kids---they may have tough questions but they cannot file any complaints!
The first person I could think of that I knew would enjoy this as much as I would was Mr. Jimmy Hollis. Not only for the fact he owns redbone coonhounds, but more so that his hounds are quite gorgeous, well-mannered and mostly because Jimmy loves kids! I must add here that the “gorgeous and well-mannered” part is a result of Jimmy’s wife’s, June, hard work and dedication to their “family of redbones”. They decided that “Jim”, their 3 year-old male, would accompany us to the school---picture it—Jimmy, Jimmy, and Jim.
Forty-eight 5th grade students, accompanied by their teachers, Ms. Bentley and Ms. Fisher, met us in the auditorium. The students sat in chairs but mostly all around us on the floor. We talked about the book, coonhounds, coon hunting, and the care for dogs. We spoke to each student about the breed of dog they own, from mixed breeds to AKC registered poodles to Great Danes. Jimmy and I both answered many questions mainly bout their individual dogs. I went into detail about the importance of caring for their animals. Everyone commented on how “pretty” and well-trained Jim was. All students were able to pet Jim and they made pictures with him.
Just as we thought we were winding up, it was brought to our attention that the third graders were scheduled for a field trip but due to the 20 degree temperature it had to be canceled. Ms. Jones and Ms. Crenshaw asked if we would bring Jim and speak to their classes. Thirty-six third graders were able to pet Jim as well. We had a chance to speak to them about Jim and what coonhounds do.
Then as we were leaving, Traci asked if we could go by Alex’s second grade classroom. Ms. Peterson has seventeen in her class. Jim actually walked up and down each aisle so that the students could pet him while sitting in their desk. We couldn’t leave until we visited Ms. Whittle’s 1st grade classroom. Again, all seventeen first graders were able to pet Jim as he just sat there taking it all in.
This is part of my job that is very rewarding! There’s nothing like seeing a smile on a kid’s face when they see a dog! First of all I would like to thank Jimmy and June Hollis for raising such fine hounds and especially to Jimmy for taking off work and meeting me at the school. I would like to thank Traci Roach, all of the teachers, and administration for inviting me to Southland Academy. I had a great time!! I would also like to take this opportunity to thank AKC for giving me the opportunity to speak with children about coonhounds. After all, the kids are what it is all about.